Updated Jan. 23, 2024
Original post: October 16, 2022
This information comes from data on excess mortality published by Eurostat today
“The excess mortality rate across the EU has increased by 16% more than the average. If you look at the map, the countries with the highest vaccination rates currently have the highest excess mortality rate.” –
Cristian Terhes – EU Parliament – 11 Oct 2022.

Excess mortality in the EU climbed to +16% in July 2022 from +7% in both June and May. This was the highest value on record so far in 2022, amounting to around 53 000 additional deaths in July this year compared with the monthly averages for 2016-2019.
This was an unusually high value for this month. The excess mortality rate was +3% in July 2020 (10 000 excess deaths) and +6% in July 2021 (21 000 excess deaths). Based on the available information, some of the mortality increase in July 2022 compared to the same month of the past two years may be due to the heatwaves that have affected parts of Europe during the reference period.
This information comes from data on excess mortality published by Eurostat today, based on a weekly deaths data collection. The article presents a handful of findings from the more detailed Statistics Explained articles on excess mortality and weekly
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