Military Uses “Surgical Masks” for Torture & Submission

For submission prisoners are shackled, wearing surgical masks and earmuffs

Detainees guarded by military police in Camp X-Ray, Cuba

Prisoners’ treatment is “bordering on torture,” Red Cross says

“Red Cross spokesman told the media, however, that the United States had contravened the Geneva Conventions by releasing photos that showed the men kneeling shackled and blindfolded, wearing SURGICAL MASKS and earmuffs.”

Masks and sensory deprivation could cause immediate and lasting psychological symptoms akin to post-traumatic stress disorder if it lasted more than about 20 hours.

The International Committee of the Red Cross is to establish a permanent presence in the prison camp at Guantanamo Bay naval base in Cuba, after pictures released by the US navy caused an international outcry at what appeared to be degrading treatment of the al-Quaida and Taliban prisoners from Afghanistan who are held there.

A four member Red Cross team, including a doctor, reviewed conditions at the camp and visited prisoners individually. Their report will not be made public but will be presented to US authorities.

A Red Cross spokesman told the media, however, that the United States had contravened the Geneva Conventions by releasing photos that showed the men kneeling shackled and blindfolded, wearing surgical masks and earmuffs. A provision forbids exposing prisoners of war “to public curiosity” (Independent 22 January, p 1).

A doctor from the UK based charity the Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture also criticised the prisoners’ treatment this week.

During training soldiers, the military has learned if an enemy combatant looks different than a soldier, it’s 40% easier for the soldier not to feel things like fear, compassion, empathy and so on. If the combatant has a face covering, it’s 60% more difficult to connect with that person. This has nothing to do with training, it’s just how the human brain works. Over a period of time, (1-5 years) masks will alter our way of viewing each other in a biological sense.

The burka restricts women’s ability to function in a non-domestic role and symbolizes submission and inequality. Can you see how this would effect an entire society and even more in children??

2300 years ago, long before Islam, Arabs discovered that forcing people to cover their nose and mouths, broke their will and individuality and depersonalized them. It made them submissive. That’s why they imposed on every woman, the mandatory use of a fabric over her face. Years later, Islam turned it into the woman’s symbol of submission to Allah, men, (owner of the Harem), and the King. Modern psychology explains it: without a face we don’t exist as independent beings.

Dr Duncan Forrest, who has treated many torture victims for the charity, said the sensory deprivation inflicted on the prisoners was “bordering on torture” and “could cause immediate and lasting psychological symptoms akin to post-traumatic stress disorder if it lasted more than about 20 hours.”

Detainees guarded by military police in Camp X-Ray, Cuba

“Shaving them and saying they are full of lice also strikes me as degrading behaviour, especially in view of their religious beliefs regarding beards,” said Dr Forrest.

The United States claims that the detainees are “unlawful combatants” and not prisoners of war and are therefore not protected by the Geneva Conventions. This position has been rejected by the Red Cross and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mary Robinson.

Amendments made to the Geneva Conventions in 1977 specified that prisoners taken in internal and civil conflicts must still be considered prisoners of war. Article 4 of the 1949 convention, which defines the term “prisoner of war,” includes in its definition “members of regular armed forces who profess allegiance to a government or an authority not recognized by the Detaining power.”

Moreover, any prisoner of war accused of war crimes must be brought before a properly constituted court and given due process. The Americans plan to set up military tribunals, which will meet in private, with the power to hand out death sentences.

Detainees guarded by military police in Camp X-Ray, Cuba

Source: NCBI – US National Li brary of Medicine

National Institutes of Health

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