Court ordered 80,000 Pfizer documents released Today, Show they knew about the dangers and kept it hidden. The new documents revealed that Pfizer knew that the vaccine could not be verified as safe for pregnant women and that myocarditis was a known adverse reaction to their vaccine. Further Natural Immunity worked (In case anyone actually believed it didn’t). Those Recovered From COVID Are Best Protected, and they knew it and lied to the world.
“It is unknown whether COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 (Pfizer) is excreted in human milk. A risk to the newborns/infants cannot be excluded. Vaccine should not be used during breastfeeding”.
Quote from Pfizer research documents.

“The clinical trial data showed those with a previous COVID infection had no difference in outcome than those vaccinated. In the limited trial, none of the vaccinated nor those with previous infection resulted in severe disease as defined by either the FDA or the CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention].”
Remember in 2021 when Pfizer wore “95% efficacy” as a badge of honor? Well, their own documents tell a very different story.
On page 24 of the document, the results showing 95% VE (vaccine efficacy) for the vaccine can be found below.

The 95% VE (vaccine efficacy) arises from the 8 confirmed Covid cases from the vaccinated group (from at least 7 days after Dose 2) compared to 162 from the placebo group. These two data points are essentially what Pfizer hang their hat on to prove their vaccine was a success.
This is the data that the FDA and other regulatory bodies around the world used to grant EUA (Emergency Use Authorisation) for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine and for billions of doses to be shipped around the world with some countries enforcing highly controversial draconian vaccine mandates.
A key section buried within this document, which alludes to possibly the real VE at that time, is the following damning data below (found on page 42).

These were people showing actual symptoms. If you calculate the VE from these numbers, it’s a staggeringly low 12%. VE is calculated by dividing the difference between the case numbers in the placebo and vaccine groups, by the case number in the placebo group x 100 = VE of 12 %
12% efficacy is a vast climb down from the 95% vaccine efficacy promoted globally. What’s even more alarming, is that this data was known almost a year and a half ago, by the FDA themselves.
“Another revelation from the documents was that adverse reactions were more frequent and more severe in younger groups.
“The document reads, ‘reactogenicity and adverse events were generally milder and less frequent in participants in the older group [55 and over] compared with [the] younger group and overall tended to increase with increasing vaccine dose.’”
Below are the lies spread by Corrupt Health Experts, mainstream media fueled and paid for by Pfizer Lobbyists and Advertising Money

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