After two years of hysteria, lock-downs, mandatory masks, social distancing, travel bans, segregation, mass vaccinations and vaccine passports lets see what happened in BC.

As you can see above, only 0.005% of the BC population died and the average age of death was the same as the normal age of death. Is this a pandemic?? No reasonable, clear thinking person could say it is.
Lets see how the numbers compare to other BC events…..
The H1N1 outbreak, a Bad Flu season and a Heat Wave were far deadlier than the so called “Covid pandemic”.

Lets look at the top 15 causes of death for past two years.

Covid is all the way down at #8 in causes of death.
BC had no excess deaths when compared to the previous 10 years of deaths.
This is one strange PANDEMIC where a half, of a half, of a half of a percent die (0.005%) and the average age of those deaths is the normal age of death (82). Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?
Here is Ontario’s Data

March 10, 2022: Ontario now says the number of reported COVID deaths were actually about 75% of the previously disclosed numbers.

Now what were the consequences of the insane and mostly illegal actions of the government?
The consequences of government-enforced lockdowns killed more Canadians under the age of 65 than the COVID-19 virus itself, according to a report by Statistics Canada. (
In a report titled Provisional death counts and excess mortality, the government agency reviewed the number of deaths between January 2020 to April 2021 and concluded that 5,535 Canadians under the age of 65 died because of “indirect consequences” due to the pandemic. Over the same time period, 1380 Canadians in the same age group died because of COVID-19 itself. That is 400% more that died from the lockdowns than the virus.
Between January 2020 to April 2021 – 5,535 Canadians under the age of 65 died because of “indirect consequences” due to the pandemic compared to 1380 Canadians who died because of COVID-19 itself. FOUR TIMES as many died from Government actions.
Covid-19 despite the brainwashed wide belief that it was a pandemic, it absolutely is not supported by any data to be true. Under these ridiculous standards we would be in a permanent pandemic forever.
Educate your friends, two years of government and media propaganda has brainwashed them. Be nice they do not know they are brainwashed.
What does the global death rate look like??

If the narratives do not match the data, then it is propaganda. It is really that simple.
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